NEWCON’s philosophy is: On time and above customer’s expectations! NEWCON consultants are well trained and extraordinary focused on technology. This allows us to react quickly to complex problems at high quality.
NEWCON’s service portfolio contains strategical management consulting, conception design and architecture, realization of the recommendations, service integration as well as operations and service level management of IT-Systems. Thus NEWCON covers the whole value added chain of IT-Services starting with the initial strategic focus, over the implementation towards the operations. NEWCON’s service offering does not end with recommendations but continues with the realization of the recommendation and – if the customer requires it - ends up with the daily work, operations and SLA keeping. This proves that NEWCON and its customers highly trust in the recommendations and proves their genuine truth.
To archive this, NEWCON is set up in a team of long experienced Telco-, Finance & Banking- and IT-Specialists up to former C-Level Managers and Operation Managers working successfully together over years. Their knowledge and practical expertise cover all aspects of Telco, Finance & Banking and IT and is as this offered to the customer. NEWCON’s clients therefore completely trust in the quality and the integrity of the delivered results. This has been proven by the team many times (100% track record).
This extremely successful team is continuously extended in a careful way with IT experts graduated either in Mathematics or IT to ensure the highest quality and stability. NEWCON expects the same high level of quality from their partners, so partnership is just contracted with carefully selected companies after an intensive selection process and is based on close relationship and trustfulness.
NEWCON also sees their customers as partners; services are delivered in close cooperation and permanent interaction to ensure high quality and the perfect result for both parties. All aspects of a project are considered in a way that matches the requirements, expectations, and situation and is focusing on the customer which can only be achieved by an intensive and open co-operation.
To be able to deliver the best results NEWCON is permanently working on new, innovative ideas based on the latest state of technology and future developments in the area of Telco, Finance & Banking and IT. Thus NEWCON also invests heavily in skill and quality enhancements of their employees to ensure the highest qualification and the best results for the customer. |

NEWCON named Top 5 BSS/OSS Solutions Companies in Europe
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