27.09.24 / 15:27
NEWCON expanded EU regulatory compliance with the completely new "Mobile Number Portability Platform"

NEWCON deployed its newly designed "Mobile Number Portability- Platform" in several high competitive European telecommunication markets

The Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) market in Western Europe will increase at faster pace than the mobile sector overall and already accounts for more than 18% of the total mobile base. Consequently, the need for a flexible, multi country compliant Mobile Number Portability ("MNP") solution including support for Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) & regulatory bodies has accelerated; an extremely short time-to-market cycle is an obligatory requirement and a final success factor for the start and implementation of a MNP solution. To address these challenges NEWCON has developed a MNP solution capable running as a MNO- and/or MVNO- or even as a regulatory body hosted- Service Platform including all processes required to ensure continuity of service to the customer, i.e. end2end coverage also in the event of faults and difficulties during porting and corresponding measurements. Several MNP-projects in Europe (e.g. Germany, Switzerland, Austria, etc.) are already up and successfully running at the respective service providers' production environment including SOA-based connectors into industry leading OSS/BSS solutions in this arena.

The "NEWCON Mobile Number Portability Solution™" provides a thoroughgoing flexible integration approach towards multinational customers, service providers and national regulatory demands and matches perfectly to the needs of the dynamic but unfortunately heterogeneous European MNP market with a multitude of MNOs, MVNOs, MVNEs, regularity bodies, etc. Therefore, the "NEWCON Mobile Number Portability Solution™" includes an interrupt free instant addition, change or deletion of MNO/MVNO entities mechanism, managed autonomously by the Communication Service Provider ("CSP") and handles both synchronous and asynchronous MNP use cases. "NEWCON's MNP solution rest on in-depth experience from several national MNP implementations and is delivered within 2-3 months based on our profound integration knowledge & capabilities and obeys a plain and efficient cost model", explains Gerald Haidl, CEO of NEWCON. The solution also offers the perfect "MVNE enabler model" for existing mobile operators (MNOs) together with NEWCONs White Box MVNO/MVNE offering following a "white box" integration model to reduce costs and optimize time to market diving into new business arenas.

NEWCONs "Mobile Number Portability Solution™" meets the needs of a fast changing market with a carrier-grade and redundant platform based on the NEWCON OSS/BSS Integration Layer™, providing great flexibility to address the needs of a CSP to cover all new regulatory challenges in Europe and has already been ordered and installed by several multinational telecommunications corporations.

» MNP Platform based on NEWCONs OSS/BSS Integration Layer™
» Full Press Release (pdf)


NEWCON named Top 5 BSS/OSS Solutions Companies in Europe
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