27.09.24 / 17:26
NEWCON Sustainability & Security Certifications,

NEWCON Sustainability & Security Certifications,

We are pleased to announce that our company has recently received two significant certifications recognizing our efforts in the areas of sustainability and IT security. These achievements are not only of great importance to us, but also offer a variety of benefits to our - predominantly - corporate customers.

The sustainability certification recognizes our commitment to environmentally friendly practices, social responsibility and economic sustainability. Through our sustainable measures, our customers can be sure that their partnership with us not only offers business benefits, but also makes a positive contribution to society and the environment. All our customers can better achieve their own sustainability goals by partnering with NEWCON and at the same time strengthen their image as a responsible company.

The IT security certification ensures that we adhere to the highest standards in terms of the protection of all data and the security of the associated business processes. NEWCON customers can be confident that their sensitive information is in safe hands with us and that we are doing everything we can to protect digital assets from threats. This certification provides assurance that we have implemented stringent security protocols to ensure the highest levels of data integrity, confidentiality and availability.

Through these certifications, we aim not only to raise our own standards, but also to ensure that we offer real added value to our customers.

© NEWCON GmbH 2024

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